Mailboxes in a condominium: when are they up to standard?
Today we will provide you with some regulatory hints in reference to mailboxes set up in condominium contexts , trying to answer the following question in an exhaustive way: when are condominium mailboxes compliant, according to current legislation? Here is everything you need to know about it.
Positioning of the condominium mailbox
The first question that many people ask themselves in reference to the condominium mailboxes is where they will have to be installed. A mailbox must be set up at the domicile, in such a way as to allow its owner to receive communications and correspondence on a daily basis.
Regarding the positioning of condominium post office boxes, it will be appropriate to mention a series of rules that have occurred over the years in our legal system; these rules have regulated the matter and in particular the aspects linked to the positioning of the mailboxes, the dimensions of the structure and the materials with which the boxes are made.
Home cassettes: regulatory sources
The first source we want to cite in the matter of condominium post office boxes is the Decree of 9 April 2001 , with which the Ministry of Communication approved the general conditions of the postal service; the measure was then followed by a more recent Decree, this time signed by the Ministry of Economic Development which on 1 October 2008 essentially re-proposed the content of the previous provision. It is also worth noting a resolution passed on June 20, 2013, this time signed by the Communications Authority. With reference to the “ home boxes”, The sources specify that the delivery of simple items must be carried out in special boxes, accessible to the postman and installed by the recipient at his own expense.
The shape, size and opening of the post office box must necessarily be such as to allow the postal staff to introduce the items without any difficulty. The problems that could arise between condominiums in reference to the positioning of the post office boxes concern the need to comply with the legislation and at the same time to make mailboxes accessible to all.
In this regard, the legislation in force is limited exclusively to specifying that in multi-family buildings, in complexes consisting of several buildings and in buildings used as company headquarters, the filing cabinets must be grouped in a single access point . However, the sources also express themselves by establishing that in general the mailboxes must be located at the edge of the property, on the public road or in any case in a freely accessible place, unless specific agreements with the postal distribution office.
Substantially, the staff assigned to deliver the correspondence must be able to access the block of condominium mailboxes , without necessarily being forced to knock or request access to private property, for example protected by the presence of a door, a gate or an automated opening; if there was no concierge service in the condominium building, the postman would be unable to deliver the mail.
Home cassettes: normative interpretation
Given the sources cited in the previous paragraph, except for specific agreements with the postal distribution office, the condominium mailboxes for external use must be placed outside the building in order to comply with the law , in order to allow easy access to the postman during daily delivery. correspondence.
The rules governing the matter also establish that the post office boxes for external use must clearly indicate the owner. The holders of postal boxes that do not conform to the characteristics and dimensions established by current legislation, will have to make the relative adaptations quickly; if the latter are not carried out, the postman can post a notice of stock and consequently defer the collection of correspondence at the post office.
In particular, in cases where the post office box should be missing, not suitable or compliant with the requirements or agreements between the condominium and the post office, the recipient of the correspondence will receive the notice once that will indicate the post office o the distribution center where the correspondence that could not be delivered to the address of the recipient will remain in stock.
Over the years, problems have occurred in various Italian municipalities regarding the interpretation of current regulations; however the it said legislation remains to this day still in force and to prevent and avoid the risk of having to go to the post office or storage center to pick up the correspondence, the solution is to move the ‘ installation of mailboxes to outside the building.
The main objective pursued by the top management of the post office is in fact to avoid problems and misunderstandings during the daily operations of delivering correspondence, relieving the staff of continuous problems, misunderstandings and above all difficulties encountered in accessing private properties.
Home cassettes: European regulation
The European provisions are added to the national regulations governing the suitability of condominium post office boxes ; however, the latter refer to the producers of the post office boxes and to those who decide to install the devices.
We are talking about the UNI EN 13724 standard that establishes the standards relating to post office boxes in terms of size, security against burglary, resistance and still protection of privacy. As far as dimensions are concerned, for example, a mailbox must be able to contain both an envelope in A4 format, obviously without the risk of folding and damage, and the classic magazines.
In compliance with European legislation , the post office boxes must also be equipped with anti-withdrawal devices, to prevent unauthorized third parties from violating the correspondence of others.
For any further information, doubts and advice on where to place the post office boxes, do not hesitate to contact us . We will study together the best solution for your needs.
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